All MTSU students have free access to LinkedIn Learning

All MTSU students have free access to a full personal, premium subscription to LinkedIn Learning. With more than 16,000 expert-led courses and personalized recommendations, you can discover, complete, and track courses related to your field and interests. You can also choose to add these courses and related skills to your LinkedIn profile once you’ve completed them. Students can access courses on-demand on both desktop & mobile. That’s 24/7 unlimited access anytime, anywhere. The courses are divided into short videos that allow you to learn at your own pace.

Topics include creative skills, technical skills, technology, and business.

Click here to access your free personal subscription:

By the way, the normal cost for a full, premium subscription is $240.00 per year.

Computer skills and digital literacy – essential for all college students

If you are like many new students, you may be an expert with a smart phone, but maybe not so expert with computers. On your journey to becoming a professional, computer skills and digital literacy are absolutely essential. The sooner you develop those skills, the better. Here are a few select courses to help you build computer skills and digital literacy.

Computer Literacy for Windows 10
Computer Literacy for Mac
Working with Computers and Devices
Working and Collaborating Online
Windows 10: Organizing Files and Folders
Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety
macOS Quick Tips
iOS 14 and iPad OS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training 
Learning Outlook Desktop (Office 365/Microsoft 365) 
Learning PowerPoint Desktop (Office 365/Microsoft 365)
Learning Excel Desktop (Office 365/Microsoft 365)
Learning Word Desktop (Office 365/Microsoft 365)
Excel for Mac Essential Training (Office 365/Microsoft 365)
PowerPoint for Mac Essential Training (Office 365/Microsoft 365)
Word for Mac Essential Training (Office 365/Microsoft 365)
Outlook for Mac Essential Training (Office 365/Microsoft 365)
Google Drive Makeover: Organizing Files and Folders
OneDrive Quick Tips

Creative tools for Media Arts students

If you are pursuing a degree in one of the Media Arts programs, there’s a very big chance you’ll need to know your way around Adobe’s Creative Cloud set of applications. Even if you are familiar with some of those applications, Creative Cloud Crash Course is a great course to help you understand the full set, how they work, how they are different, and how they share some basic function.

After that, there are hundreds of more specific courses for Adobe software products. For example, there are over 300 courses for Photoshop alone – from basic beginner courses to advanced expert courses.

Explore the LinkedIn Learning library

Just for fun, use the search tool in LinkedIn Learning to look up tools, or techniques. The search tool can take to the exact short video about the most specific kind of question you may have.

You don’t need a LinkedIn profile to use LinkedIn Learning

Your free personal LinkedIn Learning account is tied you your enrollment at MTSU. Follow the instructions at the following link to access your free personal subscription:

If you already have a LinkedIn profile, you should connect your MTSU free access to your existing LinkedIn profile.

You should only have one and only one LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is not social media. It is a business network that has become a key personal online presence for people who work for a living. Every college student should have a LinkedIn profile by their senior year.

You can also choose to add certificates of completion for LinkedIn courses and related skills to your LinkedIn profile once you’ve completed them.

Expect your MTSU instructors to assign LinkedIn Learning assignments

One advantage of having LinkedIn Learning for all MTSU students is that instructors can make assignments based on LinkedIn Learning courses. This allows class time to focus more on ideas, discussions and critiques and less on how to operate software programs.

Full disclosure – I used to work there!

Before I joined the MTSU faculty in 2011, I worked for several years as Vice President of Content and Production at, the predecessor of LinkedIn Learning. I was amazed at the feedback we would get from our customers. We certainly worked very hard to produce great content, but the real reward was hearing how our courses changed people’s lives. When I arrived at MTSU, one of my goals was to build enough support across campus to get a campus-wide subscription for every student, teacher, and staff member – and it actually happened.

Please take advantage of this wonderful bonus you have with your enrollment at MTSU.

The top item in MTSU’s mission statement is to foster a student-centered environment conducive to lifelong learning, personal development, and success. LinkedIn Learning is at the very heart of that goal. After you have graduated, it will be up to you to keep up with changes in your industry and its tools. Your student experience with LinkedIn Learning is a model for maintaining professional competence and competitiveness for decades to come.

Billy Pittard

Professor and Chair, Media Arts Department