Last weekend MTSU’s Animation students took part in the annual 24 Hours Animation Contest for a seventh year. This competition requires the creation of a 30 second animated film within 24 hours. The theme that the video must follow isn’t revealed until the very beginning of the event, to prevent anyone from planning ahead. This year’s theme was empathy. Contestants were asked to make an animated video depicting how differences can be accepted through empathy. Students worked around the clock to conceive, produce, and deliver their finished films.
MTSU had six teams participate this year, these teams were hosted by our school’s ACM SIGGRAPH Student Chapter. They were up against 218 other teams, that included over 1,000 students, 49 schools, and nine countries.
MTSU’s team, “First Idea”, took the 10th place spot in the contest. The members of the team were Tyler Hilliard, Caroline Cromwell, Calli Morgan, Matt Guardo and McKenna Antram. Their video depicts two neighbors not getting along, until one is in need of help and the other becomes empathetic.
The contest was sponsored by many big name animation studios and judged by professionals from the animation industry.
Last year, a MTSU team was within the Top Ten ranks as well.
Watch MTSU’s winning video below and check out the other submissions here.