Back in November 2016, the MTSU Women in Film group created a documentary to submit into a women’s film challenge. The film didn’t win any awards and the group felt disappointed in their work. But their faculty guide, Video Production Professor Allie Sultan, encouraged them to continue editing the film until they were happy with it.
Fast forward to 2018, where that same film, titled “Graham and Zeke” has found great success in traveling all over the world to be shown at film festivals.
“Graham and Zeke” focuses on a transgender couple, who were both born female and are transitioning into men. They identify as a gay couple, and the film highlights the struggles that the two have gone through while transitioning. The film is told from their perspective, to showcase how they want to be represented as both a couple and individuals.
The idea for the documentary spun from the then Vice President of the Women in Film club, Cheryl, who was friends with the couple. The Women in Film organization was started by Professor Sultan in 2015 because she realized the confidence gap and lack of representation that many women in film face. Sultan believes that film making can be empowering and used to express underrepresented groups of people, both in front of and behind the camera.
The experience was a good lesson in patience and persistence, which the students who helped to create the film can take with them as they continue on with their careers.
The film has been accepted into festivals worldwide to help clear away the fear and misinformation that can revolve around transgenders. Places it has been shown include India, Australia and Canada. To keep up with the films travels, check out the Graham and Zeke Facebook page.