Saturday, January 28, Harold Baldwin celebrated his 90th birthday at The Baldwin Photographic Gallery named in his honor and located in the John Bragg Media and Entertainment building. Family, friends, students, and faculty came out to celebrate the man who brought photography education to MTSU.
The band played and the crowd mingled and observed the current exhibit in Baldwin’s gallery, titled “Dignity” by Dana Gluckstein.
Harold Baldwin brought photographic education to MTSU in 1962 and taught hundreds of photographers until his retirement in 1991. In 1964, he began a tradition of bringing exhibitions of the work of the world’s great photographers to the MTSU campus. He also began a tradition of collecting at least one piece from each exhibition. Over the years his efforts amassed a priceless collection from world renown photographers.
As the MTSU campus evolved, the exhibition space was moved several times, and in 2012, the renovation of the LRC building threatened the permanent loss of space for the gallery. Understanding this, Harold donated $100,000 for the construction of the beautiful current gallery which opened in January of 2014. Harold also made a lifetime commitment to donate $1,250 to the gallery every month for the rest of his life to ensure ongoing exhibition of the finest photographic works.
The Baldwin Photographic Gallery is recognized as one of the finest galleries in the region. Featuring notable photographers and breathtaking photography, the gallery serves as a point of inspiration to the university and the entire region. Thank you Harold!