Not only has the College of Mass Communication Wall of Fame changed its name – it has also gone digital. The new Wall of Fame for the College of Media and Entertainment is now available on the new digital sign (touch screen monitor) at the center of the Bragg College of Media and Entertainment building.
The digital sign was made possible by a generous donation of the touch screen monitor by EMC alumnus Nic Dugger, President of TNDV in Nashville. Primary credit for design and content production goes to Assistant Professor Todd O’Neill of EMC’s New Media program. Many others assisted in this project as well. Thanks to students in Todd O’Neill’s New Media Capstone course for a large portion of the work as well as student workers in the EMC department office. Students and faulty in the Photography program converted the photos to digital. The initial push to convert to the Wall of Fame to digital came from EMC Chair, Billy Pittard.
The initial Wall of Fame concept was expanded into an interactive digital sign that would help tell the College’s story. Students and faculty, parents and the public will be able to interact with the sign to learn about departments and programs in the College. The sign will also provide directions to faculty offices, studios, and classroom facilities.
In addition to the College’s Wall of Fame, the sign will also be home to the Tennessee Journalism Hall of Fame which is hosted by the College of Media and Entertainment.
According to Barbara Draude, Department Head of Academic and Instructional Technology Services in the University’s Information Technology Division, the College of Media and Entertainment’s digital sign will be the most interactive of any of the signs found on the campus.
The College of Media and Entertainment’s digital sign project is expected to be completed in early 2016, with continual updates and additions in the future.
The physical framed pictures for the Wall of Fame will eventually be removed and plans are being developed for a new use of that space.