First Look 2019 Submissions & Selections

About FIRST LOOK Selections

FIRST LOOK is an industry showcase of selected exemplary works by Media Arts students. We invite media professionals to a screening at the historic Belcourt Theatre in Nashville, Tennessee along with our students, faculty, and their guests. The event includes student photography, student-produced interactive media projects, and a one-hour screening of student films and videos.

The screening of films and videos is limited to about one hour to make it work for busy professionals. The goal is to create interest in Media Arts students and their work. The one-hour time frame limits what can be included, so few films can be shown in their entirety. Selections are made based upon what will deliver the most compelling screening for the guests. A Vimeo site will show accepted items in their full-length whenever possible.

Faculty will make final selections from items submitted by students and by faculty on behalf of the students.

Items selected for inclusion in FIRST LOOK are eligible to use the FIRST LOOK Official Selection laurels. The laurels will be made available on this website after the event.


THE BIG EVENT: The screening will take place at the Belcourt Theatre in Nashville. May 9, 2019. Doors open at 6:45. Screening begins at 7:00 PM. A catered reception in the theatre will follow the screening.

ELIGIBILITY: Submissions must be the work of Media Arts students and produced after the Spring 2018 semester. Examples include class assignments, personal projects, film festival projects, freelance work, etc.


PHOTOGRAPHY: Submit to professor Jonathan Trundle.

INTERACTIVE MEDIA: Submit to professor Todd O’Neill.

ANIMATION: Submit to Professor Kevin McNulty.

VIDEO AND FILM: Click here to download instructions.